Academic Event Highlights
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Final Paper Season: Drop-In Writing Sessions
Tuesday, November 21 | 5-6:30 PM | EB228
It’s that time of year again: Final paper season. As a way to help you tackle these papers, the ARC Fellows are hosting informal drop-in sessions! Without having to book an ARC appointment, you can come stop by and spend 10-15 minutes getting quick writing-related questions answered by the Fellows.
First-Year Students: GPS Final Project Drop-In Support
Co-hosted by the Academic Resource Center and Library
Thursday, November 30 | 11 AM-1 PM | W507 | No RSVP required.
Drop in for support on your final project! ARC Fellows will give feedback on writing and organization, and a librarian will help with citation questions. You can bring the drafts of your individual writing, formatted projects, and/or citation sheets. Come as a group or send a representative for the consultations. Any part of the final project is welcome!
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Join the English for Academic Purposes Poster Show!
Tuesday, November 21 | 7-9 PM | EB2 Exhibition Gallery | RSVP
The students in the EAP program will give poster presentations on topics they have been researching in their courses. Come learn about more subjects such as social issues in gaming, sustainable food practices, digital identities, animals and human society, money and finance, and the pursuit of happiness and well-being!
APA November Coffee Chat: Study Away
Do you want to learn more about Study Away requirements and other students’ experiences? Come join APAs Celia and Anna and you will hear more about studying at NYU New York, Abu Dhabi, Florence, Paris, and more global sites. Upperclass students will discuss the challenges and opportunities the NYU Global Network offers.
Health Career Info Talk at Shanghai Raffles Hospital Organized by the Office of Academic Advising
Friday, December 15 | 2:45-4:00 PM | RSVP by Monday, December 4!
Dr. Kenneth Chung will give a health career information talk about health professions’ career path, North American and British Medical System, and necessary medical training and provide individualized suggestions. A short hospital tour will be hosted. Students who are interested in applying to medical schools are welcome to join!
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CUSEF Young Leaders Scholarship 2024In partnership with the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), One Young World is launching the CUSEF Young Leaders Scholarship 2024 to identify eight outstanding young leaders who will receive a scholarship to attend the One Young World Summit 2024 in Montréal, Canada in September 2024. Scholars will be selected based on proven positive social impact in tackling global challenges. If you are engaged in social impact and leadership, apply by January 31, 2024!
Gates Cambridge Scholarship
Spring Preview
We look forward to working with applicants for fellowships with early 2024 deadlines, including Amgen Scholars (biotech research for all years and citizenships, due on February 1), Erasmus Mundus (Master's scholarships in Europe, varying deadlines), Humanity in Action (summer program in human and minority rights) and more!
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BusinessPeking University HSBC Business School (PHBS) - Info Session & Talk - China's Economy: Present and Future
Info Session of PHBS Graduate Program: Monday, November 27 | 4-5 PM l S308
Talk: 5:30-6:45 PM l S309 | More Information
Guest: Chair Professor of Economics and Founding Dean of PHBS, Former Vice President of Peking University, Wen Hai
Host: Dean of Business, Yuxin Chen | Introduction by Vice Chancellor, Jeffrey Lehman
Over the past seven decades, China’s economic landscape has undergone a remarkable transformation, propelling the nation from its predominantly rural origins to become a dynamic, urbanized industrial powerhouse. Despite this impressive trajectory, the Chinese economy is currently grappling with a variety of challenges. RSVP now to learn more!
NYU Stern-NYU Shanghai Joint MS Programs On-Campus Coffee Chat
Wednesday, November 29 | 2-3 PM | W764 | RSVP
Join us to learn more about our unique graduate business programs and admissions process. The admissions officers will start by giving a short presentation about the programs. In-person consultations with admissions officers will also be provided.
World Languages
The following two events will be hosted in the World Languages Lounge W629.
French Apéro Hour
Tuesday, November 21 | 5-6 PM | RSVP
Arabic Conversation Night
Monday, November 27 | 5-6 PM | RSVP
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Dance Concert: Looking for Student Workers!
Performance Dates: Afternoon, December 2 and/or 3 (A 30-minute training is required during the week of November 27)
The Dance Program is looking for student workers for the Fall 2023 Dance Concert. Possible Positions: Sound board operator, front desk or backstage crew, make-up & hair assistant. If interested, please submit your resume and indicate your availability with any related skills or experience to Professor Yuting Zhao by Friday, November 24.
AA Passport Program: November Prize Redemption & Grand Prize Lucky DrawThursday, November 30 | 9 AM-5 PM | ARC Front Desk (W523)
Get ready to redeem your exclusive prize for November! Students who have collected 20 stickers across five AA offices throughout the semester will have the opportunity to participate in a lucky draw for the end-of-semester grand prize!
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Reminder Notice: Network Maintenance during the Thanksgiving HolidayThis serves as a gentle reminder about the upcoming network maintenance (the maintenance hours follow Shanghai Time):
- VPN Maintenance: November 23, 12 AM-6 AM
- WiFi & Network Maintenance: November 23, 6 AM-9 PM
- Telephone Maintenance: November 24, 9 AM to November 25, 9 PM
Based on the timetime, the corresponding services will be unavailable on campus, at ECNU, and in the student dorms. For emergency matters related to Campus Safety, please contact the backup lines at (021)-5893-0107 or (86)-187-2122-4090.
Should you have questions or concerns, please contact NYU Shanghai IT by calling the hotline (021)-2059-5555 or email
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